Tuesday, September 27, 2011

mexican technology-

Some things i learned aboult mexican technology is that they have alot of technology that is like ours.  There cell phone companys cost more than ours do.  There phone number is much diffrent than ours.  They have five diffrent internet types.  Mexicos emergenciy number is 060.  And the big cell phone company in mexico is Telcel.  If you go to mexico and use your regular cell phone the roaming is going to cost a lot.

Mexicos technology  is a lot like ours.  They have everything we do.  They have cell phone its just there phone companys cost more than ours do.  If you were to call somebody in mexico you would have to dial 044-55-XXXX-XXXX.  In Mexico there are five diffrent kinds of internet avalable: dial-up, DSL, ADSL, wi-fi and pre-paid.  There are four diffrent internet providers they are: Avantel, Prodigy, AE-Go, and cableacess.  For emergencies in Mexico the number you would want to dial is 060.  Fedral Highway Police number is (52)5677-2227.  Those are just a few of the main numbers in Mexico that you might need.   The big cell phone company in Mexico is called Telcel which is owned by Carlos Slim. 

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