Some tradional mexican food dishes are: Tamales with steamed masa with filling, pollo encantado, and chile en nogada. Mexican food has been around for a long time, but these are some of the dishes that have become very popular over the years, and people have gooton to like. Mexico has given chocolate to the world, as well as many other specialties, such as: peanuts, vanilla, beans, coconuts, and tomatoes. The mexican cusuine finally met the cusine from the north and Tex-Mex food was created. Tex-Mex is a blend of flavors and recipes from the Mexican, Texas and American cultures. Every tourist will find Mexican cuisine to be an interesting choice. It is commonly said that visiting Mexico and not tasting mexican food is like not visting mexico at all.
I have learned a lot about the mexican foods, and cultures. I didnt know that there was such a tradition behind all of the mexican food. I have heard of Tex-Mex but i didnt really know what it was but now i know it is a combination of Mexican, Texas, and American cultures all mixed together. I would like to go there someday and try some of there food it looks good.
This is what some of the tradional mexican food looks like.
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